Managing the System Event Log
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
SystemEvent Log, page 695
Viewingthe System Event Log for an Individual Server, page 696
Viewingthe System Event Log for the Servers in a Chassis, page 696
Configuringthe SEL Policy, page 696
Managingthe System Event Log for a Server, page 698

System Event Log

Thesystem event log (SEL) resides on the CIMC in NVRAM. It records most server-related events, such as
overand under voltage, temperatureevents, fan events, and eventsfrom BIOS.The SELis mainlyused for
TheSEL file is approximately 40KB in size, and no further events can be recordedwhen it is full. It must be
clearedbefore additional events canbe recorded.
Youcan use the SEL policy to backup the SEL to a remote server, and optionally clear the SEL after a backup
operationoccurs. Backup operations can be triggered based on specific actions, or they can occur at regular
intervals.You can also manually backup or clear the SEL.
Thebackup file is automatically generated. The filename format is
sel-SystemName-ChassisID-ServerID-ServerSerialNumber-Timestamp;for example,
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 695