Configuring Settings for Faults, Events, and Logs
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
ConfiguringSettings for the Fault Collection Policy, page 701
ConfiguringSettings for theCore FileExporter, page 703
Configuringthe Syslog, page 704

Configuring Settings for the Fault Collection Policy

Fault Collection Policy

Thefault collection policy controls the lifecycle of a fault in a Cisco UCS domain, including when faults are
cleared,the flapping interval (the length of time between the fault being raised and the condition being cleared),
andthe retentioninterval (the length of time a fault is retained in the system).
Afault inCisco UCS has the following lifecycle:
1Acondition occurs in the system and Cisco UCS Manager raises a fault. This is the active state.
2Whenthe fault is alleviated,it enters a flapping or soaking intervalthat is designed to preventflapping.
Flappingoccurs when a fault is raised and cleared several times in rapid succession. During the flapping
interval,the fault retains its severity for the length of time specified in the fault collection policy.
3Ifthe condition reoccurs during the flapping interval, the fault returns to the active state. If the condition
doesnot reoccurduring theflapping interval, the fault is cleared.
4Thecleared fault enters theretention interval. This intervalensures that thefault reaches the attentionof
anadministrator even if the condition that caused the fault has been alleviated and the fault has not been
deletedprematurely. The retention interval retains the cleared fault for the length of time specified in the
faultcollection policy.
5Ifthe condition reoccurs during the retention interval, the fault returns to the active state. If the condition
doesnot reoccur,the fault is deleted.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 701