Disablinga Server Portwith theInternal Fabric Manager 112
ConfiguringCommunication Services 113
CommunicationServices 113
ConfiguringCIM-XML 114
ConfiguringHTTP 115
ConfiguringHTTPS 115
Certificates,Key Rings, andTrusted Points 115
Creatinga Key Ring 116
Creatinga Certificate Request for a Key Ring 117
Creatinga Trusted Point 118
Importinga Certificate into a Key Ring 119
ConfiguringHTTPS 119
Deletinga Key Ring 121
Deletinga Trusted Point 121
ConfiguringSNMP 121
Informationabout SNMP 121
SNMPFunctional Overview 121
SNMPNotifications 122
SNMPSecurity Levels and Privileges 122
SupportedCombinations of SNMP Security Models and Levels 123
SNMPv3Security Features 124
SNMPSupport in Cisco UCS 124
EnablingSNMP and Configuring SNMP Properties 125
Creatingan SNMP Trap 126
Deletingan SNMP Trap 127
Creatingan SNMPv3 user 128
Deletingan SNMPv3 User 129
EnablingTelnet 129
DisablingCommunication Services 129
ConfiguringAuthentication 131
AuthenticationServices 131
Guidelinesand Recommendationsfor Remote AuthenticationProviders 131
UserAttributes inRemote Authentication Providers 132
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 ix