Thetype of monitoring you want the system to use. This can be one of
•MiiStatus—The system monitors the availability of the Media
IndependentInterface (MII). If you select this option, Cisco UCS
ManagerGUI displays the MediaIndependent Interface
•PingArp Targets—The system pings designated targets using
theAddress Resolution Protocol (ARP). If you select this option,
CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysthe ARP Target Monitoring
•PingGateway—The system pings thedefault gateway address
specifiedfor this CiscoUCS domainon the Management
Interfacestab. If you select this option, Cisco UCS Manager GUI
displaysthe Gateway PingMonitoring area.
MonitoringMechanism field
Step 6 Ifyou chose Mii Status for the monitoring mechanism, complete the following fields in the Media Independent
InterfaceMonitoring area:
Thenumber of seconds the system should wait before requesting another
responsefrom theMII ifa previousattempt fails.
Enteran integer between 3 and 10.
RetryInterval field
Thenumber of times the system polls the MII until the system assumes
theinterface is unavailable.
Enteran integer between 1 and 3.
MaxRetry Count field
Step 7 Ifyou chose Ping Arp Targetsfor the monitoring mechanism, complete the following fields in the ARP
TargetMonitoring area:
Thefirst IP addressthe systempings.TargetIP 1 field
Thesecond IP addressthe systempings.TargetIP 2 field
Thethird IP addressthe systempings.TargetIP 3 field
Thenumber of ARP requeststo send to thetarget IP addresses.
Enteran integer between 1 and 5.
Numberof ARPRequests field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 657
Monitoring Management Interfaces