Enablinga StandaloneFabric Interconnect for ClusterConfiguration 72
EthernetSwitching Mode 72
ConfiguringEthernet Switching Mode 73
FibreChannel Switching Mode 74
ConfiguringFibre Channel Switching Mode 74
Changingthe Properties of the Fabric Interconnects 75
Determiningthe Leadership Role of a Fabric Interconnect 76
ConfiguringPorts and Port Channels 77
Serverand Uplink Ports on the 6100 Series Fabric Interconnect 77
UnifiedPorts on the 6200 Series Fabric Interconnect 78
PortModes 78
PortTypes 79
BeaconLEDs for UnifiedPorts 80
Guidelinesfor Configuring UnifiedPorts 80
Effectof Port Mode Changes on Data Traffic 81
ConfiguringPort Modes for a 6248 Fabric Interconnect 82
ConfiguringPort Modes for a 6296 Fabric Interconnect 83
Configuringthe Beacon LEDs for Unified Ports 84
ServerPorts 85
ConfiguringServer Ports 85
UplinkEthernet Ports 85
ConfiguringUplink Ethernet Ports 85
Changingthe Properties of an Uplink Ethernet Port 86
Reconfiguringa Port on a Fabric Interconnect 86
Enablinga Port on a Fabric Interconnect 87
Disablinga Port on a Fabric Interconnect 88
Unconfiguringa Port on a Fabric Interconnect 89
AppliancePorts 89
Configuringan AppliancePort 89
Modifyingthe Propertiesof an Appliance Port 92
FCoEand FibreChannel Storage Ports 94
Configuringan FCoE Storage Port 94
Configuringa Fibre ChannelStorage Port 94
Restoringan Uplink FibreChannel Port 95
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 vii