Whena webclient connects to CiscoUCS Manager,the client needs
tosend refresh requests to Cisco UCS Manager to keep the web session
active.This option specifiesthe maximum amount oftime allowed
betweenrefresh requests for a user in this domain.
Ifthis timelimit is exceeded,Cisco UCS Manager considersthe web
sessionto be inactive, but it does not terminate the session.
RefreshPeriod column
Themaximum amount of timethat canelapse after the lastrefresh
requestbefore Cisco UCS Managerconsiders a web sessionto have
ended.If this time limit is exceeded, Cisco UCS Manager automatically
terminatesthe web session.
SessionTimeout column
Thekind of terminalthe user is logged in through.TerminalType column
TheIP address from whichthe user islogged in.Hostcolumn
Ifthis column displays Y, the associated user session is currently active.CurrentSession column
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 181
Monitoring User Sessions