Whena service profile is associated with a server, or when changes
aremade to a service profile that is already associated with a server,
theserver needs to be rebooted to complete the process. The Reboot
Policyfield determines when the reboot occurs for servers associated
withany serviceprofiles thatinclude this maintenancepolicy. This
canbe one of the following:
Immediate—Theserver isrebooted automaticallyas soon as
theservice profile association is completeor service profile
changesare saved by the user.
UserAck—The user must reboot the server manually after the
serviceprofile association is completeor changesare made.
TimerAutomatic—Cisco UCS defers all service profile
associationsand changes until the maintenance window defined
bythe schedule shown in theSchedule field.
RebootPolicy field
Ifthe Reboot Policy is set to Timer Automatic, the schedule specifies
whenmaintenance operations can be applied to the server. Cisco UCS
rebootsthe server and completes the service profile changes at the
Scheduledrop-down list
b) Click OK and continue with Step 3.
Step 3 Ifyou createda newboot policyaccessible to all service profiles and template, choose that policy from the
MaintenancePolicy drop-down list.
Step 4 ClickNext.
What to Do Next
CompletePage 7: Specifying the ServerAssignment, on page509.
Page 7: Specifying the Server Assignment
Thisprocedure directly follows Page6: Addingthe MaintenancePolicy, on page507. It describeshow to
specifythe way aserver isassigned andwhich firmwarepackages are associated with the service profile on
theServer Assignment page of the CreateService Profile (expert) wizard.
Step 1 Fromthe Server Assignment drop-downlist, choose one of the following:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 509
Creating Service Profiles