Selecthow theiSCSI bootinitiator name is assigned. Choose one of
thefollowing methods:
•Manual—Youwill enter a name in the Initiator Name field. The
initiatorname can contain up to 223 characters.
•Pools—Choosean IQN suffixpool from which the name will be
InitiatorName Assignment
Clickthis link to create a new IQN suffix pool that will be available to
alliSCSI vNICs.
CreateIQN Suffix Pool link
Aregular expression that defines the name of the iSCSI initiator.
Youcan enter any alphanumeric string as well as the following special
InitiatorName field
Step 11 From the Initiator IP Address Policy drop-down list, change the selection to one of the following:
Thesystem selectsan interfaceautomatically using DHCP.
Proceedto Step 13.
Select(DHCP used by
Astatic IPv4 address is assigned to the iSCSI boot vNIC based on the
informationentered in this area.
Proceedto Step 12.
AnIPv4 address is assigned to the iSCSI boot vNIC from the management
IPaddress pool.
Proceedto Step 13.
Step 12 If you chose Static from the Initiator IP Address Policy drop-down list, complete or change the following
TheIPv4 address assigned to the iSCSI boot vNIC.
Ifyou want to specify this address, you must select Static in the
InitiatorIP Address Policy drop-down list.
IPv4Address field
Thesubnet maskassociated with the IPv4 address.SubnetMask field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 459
iSCSI Boot