Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, expand Equipment >Fabric Interconnects >Fabric_Interconnect_Name.
Step 3 Dependingupon the location of the ports you wantto configure, expand one of thefollowing:
Step 4 Clickone or more of theports under theUnconfigured Ethernet Ports node.
Ifyou wantto reconfigure a server port, uplink Ethernet port, or FCoE storage port, expand the appropriate
Step 5 Right-clickthe selected port orports andchoose Configureas Appliance Port.
Step 6 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysa confirmation dialog box, clickYes.
Step 7 Inthe Configure as Appliance Port dialog box, complete the followingfields:
Thequality of service setting associated with this interface. This can
beone of the following:
•Fc—Usethis priority for vHBAtraffic only.
•Platinum—Usethis priority for vNIC trafficonly.
•Gold—Usethis priority for vNICtraffic only.
•Silver—Usethis priority for vNIC traffic only.
•Bronze—Usethis priority for vNIC traffic only.
•BestEffort—Do not use this priority. It is reserved for the Basic
Ethernettraffic lane.
Prioritydrop-down list
TheLAN pin group that you want to use as the appliance pin target to
thespecified fabric and port, or fabricand portchannel.
PinGroup drop-down list
Clickthis link if you want to create a LAN pin group.CreateLAN Pin Group link
Thenetwork controlpolicy associated with thisport.NetworkControl Policy
Clickthis link if you want to create a LAN pin group.CreateNetwork Control Policy
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
90 OL-25712-04
Appliance Ports