Whetherthis VLAN issubdivided into privateor secondaryVLANs.
Thiscan be one of the following:
•None—ThisVLAN does nothave any secondary or private
•Primary—ThisVLAN can have one or more secondary VLANs,
asshown in the SecondaryVLANs area.
•Isolated—Thisis a private VLAN. The primary VLAN with which
itis associated is shown in the Primary VLAN drop-down list.
SharingType field
Ifthe Sharing Type field is set to Isolated, this is the primary VLAN
associatedwith this privateVLAN.
PrimaryVLAN drop-down list
Clickthis button to determine whether the VLAN ID overlaps with any
otherIDs on the system.
CheckOverlap button
Step 7 RepeatSteps 6 and 7 to create additional VLANs.
What to Do Next
Assignports and port channels to the VLANs.
Assigning Ports and Port Channels to VLANsProcedure
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe LAN tab.
Step 2 Onthe LAN tab, click the LAN node.
Step 3 Inthe Work pane, click the LAN Uplinks Manager link on the LAN Uplinks tab.
TheLAN UplinksManager opens in a separate window.
Step 4 Inthe LAN Uplinks Manager,click VLANs >VLAN Manager.
Step 5 Clickone of thefollowing subtabs toconfigure ports and port channels on that fabric interconnect:
Displaysthe ports,port channels,and VLANsthat areaccessible to fabric
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 327
Assigning Ports and Port Channels to VLANs