Configuring Named VSANsThischapter includes the followingsections:
•NamedVSANs, page 333
•FibreChannel Uplink Trunking for Named VSANs, page 334
•Guidelinesand Recommendationsfor VSANs, page 334
•Creatinga Named VSAN, page 335
•Creatinga Storage VSAN, page 337
•Deletinga VSAN, page 339
•Changingthe VLAN ID for the FCoE VLAN for a Storage VSAN, page 340
•EnablingFibre Channel Uplink Trunking, page 341
•DisablingFibre Channel Uplink Trunking, page 341
Named VSANs
Anamed VSAN creates a connection to a specific external SAN. The VSAN isolates traffic to that external
SAN,including broadcast traffic. The traffic on one named VSAN knows that the traffic on another named
VSANexists, butcannot reador accessthat traffic.
Likea named VLAN, the name that you assign to a VSAN ID adds a layer of abstraction that allows you to
globallyupdate all servers associated with service profiles that use the named VSAN. You do not need to
reconfigurethe servers individually to maintain communication with the external SAN. You can create more
thanone named VSAN with the same VSAN ID.
Named VSANs in Cluster Configurations
Ina cluster configuration, a named VSAN can be configured to be accessible only to the Fibre Channel uplink
portson one fabric interconnector to the Fibre Channel uplink ports on both fabric interconnects.
Named VSANs and the FCoE VLAN ID
Youmust configure each named VSAN with an FCoE VLAN ID. This property determines which VLAN is
usedfor transportingthe VSANand its Fibre Channel packets.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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