b) Inthe Chassis Qualifications area of the Create Chassis and Server Qualifications dialog box, complete
thefollowing fields to specify the range of chassis you want to use:
•FirstChassis ID field—The first chassis ID from which server pools associated with this policy can
•Numberof Chassis field—Thetotal number of chassis to include in the pool, starting with the
chassisidentified in theFirst Chassis ID field.
Forexample, if you want to use chassis 5, 6, 7, and 8, enter 5 in the First Chassis ID field and 4 in the
Numberof Chassis field.If you want to use only chassis 3, enter 3 in the First Chassis ID field and 1
inthe Number of Chassisfield.
Ifyou want to use chassis 5, 6, and 9, create a chassis/server qualification for the range 5-6 and
anotherqualification for chassis 9. You can add as many chassis/server qualifications as needed.
c) Click Finish.
Step 8 (Optional) To use this policy to qualify servers according to both the chassis and slot in which they physically
reside,do the following:
a) Click Create Chassis/Server Qualifications.
b) Inthe Chassis Qualifications area of the Create Chassis and Server Qualifications dialog box, complete
thefollowing fields to specify the range of chassis you want to use:
•FirstChassis ID field—The first chassis ID from which server pools associated with this policy can
•Numberof Chassis field—Thetotal number of chassis to include in the pool, starting with the
chassisidentified in theFirst Chassis ID field.
c) In the Server Qualifications table, click Add.
d) In the Create Server Qualifications dialog box, complete the following fields to specify the range of
serverlocations you wantto use:
•FirstSlot ID field—The first slot ID from which server pools associated with this policy can draw.
•Numberof Slots field—Thetotal number ofslots fromwhich serverpools associated with this
policycan draw.
e) Click Finish Stage.
f) Toadd another range of slots, click Add and repeat steps d and e.
g) When you have finished specifying the slot ranges, click Finish.
Step 9 (Optional) To use this policy to qualify servers according to their memory configuration, do the following:
a) Click Create Memory Qualifications.
b) In the Create Memory Qualifications dialog box, complete the following fields:
Theminimum clock speed required,in megahertz.Clockfield
Themaximum latency allowed, in nanoseconds.Latencyfield
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 425
Configuring Server Pool Policy Qualifications