ManagingLicenses 247
Licenses 247
Obtainingthe Host IDfor a Fabric Interconnect 248
Obtaininga License 249
DownloadingLicenses to the Fabric Interconnect from the Local File System 250
DownloadingLicenses to theFabric Interconnectfrom a RemoteLocation 251
Installinga License 252
Viewingthe Licenses Installed on a Fabric Interconnect 253
Determiningthe Grace PeriodAvailable for a Port or Feature 255
Determiningthe Expiry Dateof aLicense 256
Uninstallinga License 256
ManagingVirtual Interfaces 259
VirtualInterfaces 259
VirtualInterface Subscription Management and Error Handling 259
NetworkConfiguration 261
Usingthe LANUplinks Manager 263
LANUplinks Manager 263
Launchingthe LAN UplinksManager 264
Changingthe Ethernet Switching Mode with the LAN Uplinks Manager 264
Configuringa Port withthe LANUplinks Manager 264
ConfiguringServer Ports 265
Enablinga Server Portwith theLAN UplinksManager 265
Disablinga Server Portwith theLAN UplinksManager 266
Unconfiguringa Server Port with the LAN Uplinks Manager 266
ConfiguringUplink Ethernet Ports 266
Enablingan Uplink Ethernet Port with the LAN Uplinks Manager 266
Disablingan Uplink Ethernet Port with the LAN Uplinks Manager 267
Unconfiguringan Uplink Ethernet Port with the LAN Uplinks Manager 267
ConfiguringUplink Ethernet Port Channels 267
Creatinga Port Channelwith theLAN Uplinks Manager 267
Enablinga Port Channelwith the LANUplinks Manager 268
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 xv