Theamount of Javamessage logging donefor Cisco UCSManager
GUIon theuser's local machine. This can be one of the following:
•All—Allrelevant Java information for the GUI is logged. There
canbe a maximum of 10 log files, each of which can be a
maximumof 10 MBin size. Once the finalfile has been filled,
CiscoUCS Manager deletes the oldest log file and starts a new
•Off—CiscoUCS Manager does not create any Java log files for
Thelog file location is determined by the Java runtime settings
onthe user'slocal machine. For moreinformation, see the
documentationfor the versionof Javathat you areusing.
LogLevel drop-down list
Themaximum size, inmegabytes, that Cisco UCS Managerallocates
toany ofthe logs itsaves for thisCisco UCS domain.
MaxLog Sizedrop-down list
Ifthe Automatically Reconnectcheck box is checked, this is the
numberof secondsthe system waits before trying toreconnect.
ReconnectionInterval field
Step 4 ClickOK.
Configuring Properties for Confirmation MessagesTheseproperties determine whether or not Cisco UCS ManagerGUI displays a confirmationmessage after
configurationchanges and otheroperations.
Step 1 Inthe toolbar,click Options to open the Properties dialog box.
Step 2 Inthe rightpane, click Confirmation Messages.
Step 3 Inthe Confirmation Messagespage, complete the followingfields:
Ifchecked, Cisco UCSManager GUI requiresthat you confirm all
ConfirmDeletion check box
Ifchecked, Cisco UCS Manager GUI requires that you confirm before
thesystem discards any changes.
ConfirmDiscard Changes check
Ifchecked, Cisco UCS Manager GUI requires that you confirm before
thesystem modifies orcreates objects.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
58 OL-25712-04
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Properties