Step 1 Fromthe Maintenance Policy drop-downlist, choose one of the following:
Assignsthe defaultmaintenance policy tothis serviceprofile.
Continuewith Step 4.
Selecta MaintenancePolicy to
Use(default policy shown)
Assignsan existingmaintenance policy tothe serviceprofile. If you
choosethis option, Cisco UCS Manager displays the details of the policy.
Ifyou do not want use any of the existing policies but instead want to
createa policy that all service profiles can access, click Create
MaintenancePolicy and continue withStep 2. Otherwise, choose a
policyfrom thelist and continue with Step 4.
Step 2 Ifyou clicked Create Maintenance Policy to create a maintenance policy that all service profiles and templates
canuse, do the following:
a) In the Create Maintenance Policy dialog box, complete the following fields:
Thename of the policy.
Thisname can be between 1 and 32 alphanumeric
characters.You cannot use spaces or any special
charactersother than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), :
(colon),and . (period), and you cannot change this
nameafter the object has been saved.
Adescription of the policy.We recommend that
youinclude information about where and when the
policyshould be used.
Enterup to 256 characters. You can use any
charactersor spaces except ^ (carat), \ (backslash),
>(greater than), < (less than), ' (single quote), "
(doublequote), ` (accent mark), or = (equal sign).
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
536 OL-25712-04
Working with Service Profile Templates