Theadministrative state of the license. This can be one of the following:
DeleteFailed—Cisco UCS could not delete the license. If this if
thefirst time the delete failed, resubmit the delete request. If it
failsa secondtime, contact Cisco TAC.
DeletePending—The user has requestedthat Cisco UCS delete
thelicense file fromthis fabricinterconnect.
Deleted—CiscoUCS has finished deletingthe license file, butit
hasnot yet been removed from the database.
Deleting—CiscoUCS is currently deletingthe license.
InstallFailed—Cisco UCS could not install the license. If this if
thefirst time the installation failed, reinstall the license. If it fails
asecond time,contact Cisco TAC.
InstallPending—The license has been downloaded but is not yet
Installed—Thelicense file is installed on the fabric interconnect.
Installing—CiscoUCS is currentlyinstalling the license.
Stale—Thelicense file applies to an older fabric interconnect and
cannotbe used on the current fabric interconnect. The license file
shouldbe deleted and, if necessary, replaced with a current license.
Unknown—Thestate cannot be determined.
Validated—CiscoUCS has verified that this is a valid Cisco
AdministrativeState column
Step 4 Clicka license in the table to view the following details of that license in the Contents tab below:
Youmay need to expand the license file to view the details of individual licenses in the file.
Anavigation tree that lets you viewa particular component along with
itssubcomponents. You can right-click a component to view any actions
availablefor that component.
Thetotal numberof licensesavailable in thelicense package file.TotalQty column
Thelicense type.Typecolumn
Thedate thatthe licenses expire.Expirycolumn
Thequantity of licenses of the given type in the license package file.Quantitycolumn
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
254 OL-25712-04
Viewing the Licenses Installed on a Fabric Interconnect