Assignsa UUID from the UUID Suffix pool
thatyou select from the list at the bottom of
thedrop-down list.
Eachpool name is followedby two numbers
inparentheses that show the number of UUIDs
stillavailable in the pool and the total number
ofUUIDs inthe pool.
Ifyou do not want use any of the existing
pools,but instead want to create a pool that
allserivce profiles can access,continue with
Step4. Otherwise, continue with Step 5.
Pools Pool_Name
Step 3 (Optional) Ifyou selectedthe XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX option, do the
a) In the UUID field, enter the valid UUID that you want to assign to the server which uses this service
b) To verify that the selected UUID is available, click the herelink.
Step 4 (Optional) If you want to create a new UUID Suffix pool to use to use in this service profile, click Create
UUIDSuffix Pool and completethe fields in the Create UUID Suffix Pool wizard.
Formore information,see Creating a UUIDSuffix Pool, on page 370.
Step 5 (Optional) In the text box, enter a description of this service profile.
Theuser-defined description for thisservice profile.
Enterup to 256 characters. You can use any characters or spaces except ^ (carat), \ (backslash), > (greater
than),< (less than), ' (singlequote), " (double quote), ` (accentmark), or = (equal sign).
Step 6 ClickNext.
What to Do Next
Completethe steps inPage 2: Configuring the StorageOptions, on page 491.
Page 2: Configuring the Storage OptionsThisprocedure directly follows Page1: Identifyingthe Service Profile , on page490. Itdescribes how to
configurethe storage options for a service profile on the Storage page of the Create Service Profile (expert)
Step 1 Fromthe Local Storage drop-down list,choose one of thefollowing:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 491
Creating Service Profiles