Disabling an Uplink Ethernet Port with the LAN Uplinks Manager

Step 1 Inthe LAN UplinksManager, click the LAN Uplinks tab.
Step 2 Inthe Port Channelsand Uplinks area, expand Interfaces>Fabric Interconnects >
Step 3 Right-clickthe port thatyou wantto disableand choose DisableInterfaces.
Youcan select multiple ports if you want to disable more than one uplink Ethernet port.
Step 4 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysa confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
Thedisabled port is removed from the list of enabled interfaces and returned to the Unconfigured Ports list.

Unconfiguring an Uplink Ethernet Port with the LAN Uplinks Manager

Step 1 Inthe LAN UplinksManager, click the LAN Uplinks tab.
Step 2 Inthe Port Channelsand Uplinks area, expand Interfaces>Fabric Interconnects >
Step 3 Clickthe port thatyou want tounconfigure.
Youcan select multiple ports if you want to unconfigure more than one uplink Ethernet port.
Step 4 ClickDisable Interface.
Step 5 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysa confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
Thedisabled port is removed from the list of enabled interfaces and returned to the Unconfigured Ports list.
Configuring Uplink Ethernet Port Channels

Creating a Port Channel with the LAN Uplinks Manager

Step 1 Inthe LAN UplinksManager, click the LAN Uplinks tab.
Step 2 Inthe Port Channelsand Uplinks area, clickCreate Port Channel.
Step 3 Fromthe pop-up menu,select one of the following fabric interconnects where you want to create the port
FabricInterconnect A
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 267
Configuring Uplink Ethernet Port Channels