Removing Ports from a Port Channel with the LAN Uplinks Manager

Step 1 Inthe LAN UplinksManager, click the LAN Uplinks tab.
Step 2 Inthe Port Channelsand Uplinks area, expand PortChannels >Fabric Interconnects >
Step 3 Expandthe port channel from which you wantto remove ports.
Step 4 Right-clickthe port you want to remove from the port channel and choose Delete.
Step 5 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysa confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

Deleting a Port Channel with the LAN Uplinks Manager

Step 1 Inthe LAN UplinksManager, click the LAN Uplinks tab.
Step 2 Inthe Port Channelsand Uplinks area, expand PortChannels >Fabric Interconnects >
Step 3 Right-clickthe port channelyou wantto delete andchoose Delete.
Step 4 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysa confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
Configuring LAN Pin Groups

Creating a Pin Group with the LAN Uplinks Manager

Ina systemwith two fabric interconnects, you can associate the pin group withonly onefabric interconnect
orwith bothfabric interconnects.
Before You Begin
Configurethe ports and port channels with which you want to configure the pin group. You can only include
portsand port channels configured as uplink ports in a LAN pin group.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
270 OL-25712-04
Configuring LAN Pin Groups