Ifyou want to defer the deployment of service profile changes, you must configure one or more maintenance
policiesand configure each service profile with a maintenance policy. If you want to define the time period
whenthe deployment should occur, you also need to create at least one schedule with one or more recurring
occurrencesor one time occurrences, and include that schedule in a maintenance policy.
Deferred Deployment Schedules
Aschedule contains a set of occurrences. These occurrences can be one time only or can recur at a specified
timeand day each week. The options defined in the occurrence, such as the duration of the occurrence or the
maximumnumber of tasks to berun, determinewhether a service profile change is deployed. For example,
ifa change cannot be deployed during a given maintenance window because the maximum duration or number
oftasks has beenreached, that deployment is carried over to the next maintenance window.
Eachschedule checks periodically to see whether the Cisco UCS domain has entered one or more maintenance
windows.If it has, the schedule executes the deployments that are eligible according to the constraints specified
inthe maintenancepolicy
Aschedule containsone or moreoccurrences, whichdetermine the maintenancewindows associated with
thatschedule. An occurrence can be one of the following:
OneTime Occurrence
Onetime occurrences define a single maintenance window. These windows continue until the maximum
durationof the window or the maximum number of tasks that can be run in the window has been
Recurringoccurrences define a series of maintenance windows. These windows continue until the
maximumnumber of tasks or the end of theday specified in the occurrence has been reached.
Maintenance Policy
Amaintenance policy determines how Cisco UCS Manager reacts when a change that requires a server reboot
ismade to a service profile associated with a server or to an updating service profile bound to one or more
Themaintenance policy specifies how Cisco UCS Manager deploys the service profile changes. The deployment
canoccur in oneof thefollowing ways:
• Immediately
• When acknowledged by a user with admin privileges
• Automatically at the time specified in the schedule
Ifthe maintenance policy is configured to deploy the change during a scheduled maintenance window, the
policymust include a validschedule. The schedule deploys thechanges in thefirst available maintenance
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
470 OL-25712-04
Deferred Deployment of Service Profiles