DescriptionCommunication Service
Thisservice is enabled on port 80 by default.
Youmust enable either HTTP or HTTPS to run Cisco UCS Manager GUI. If
youselect HTTP, all data is exchanged in clear text mode.
Forsecurity purposes, we recommend that you enable HTTPS and disable HTTP.
Bydefault, Cisco UCS redirects any attempt to communicate via HTTP to the
HTTPSequivalent. We recommend that you do not change this behavior.
Ifyou are upgrading to Cisco UCS, version 1.4(1), this does not happen
bydefault. If you want to redirect any attempt to communicate via HTTP
toan HTTPS equivalent, you should enable Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
inCisco UCS Manager.
Thisservice is enabled on port 443 by default.
WithHTTPS, all data is exchanged in encrypted mode through a secure server.
Forsecurity purposes, we recommend that you only use HTTPS and either disable
orredirect HTTP communications.
Thisservice is enabled for read-only access and supports a limited subset of the
protocols,such as the show command. You cannot disable it.
Thisshell service is one of the standards defined by the Distributed Management
Thisservice is disabled by default. If enabled, the default port is 161. You must
configurethe community and at least one SNMP trap.
Enablethis service only if your system includes integration with an SNMP server.
Thisservice is enabled on port 22. You cannot disable it, nor can you change
thedefault port.
Thisservice provides accessto the Cisco UCSManager CLI.
Thisservice is disabledby default.
Thisservice provides accessto the Cisco UCSManager CLI.
Configuring CIM-XML
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Admin tab.
Step 2 Onthe Admin tab, expand All >Communication Management >CommunicationServices.
Step 3 Selectthe Communication Services tab.
Step 4 Inthe CIM-XML area, clickthe enabled radio button.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
114 OL-25712-04
Configuring CIM-XML