Beacon LEDs for Unified Ports
Eachport on the6200 seriesfabric interconnect has a corresponding beacon LED. When the Beacon LED
propertyis configured, the beacon LEDs illuminate, showing you which ports areconfigured in a given port
TheBeacon LED property can be configured to show you whichports are grouped in one portmode: either
Ethernetor Fibre Channel. By default, the Beacon LED property is set to Off.
Forunified ports on the expansion module, the Beacon LED property may be reset to the default value of
Offduring expansion module reboot.
Guidelines for Configuring Unified PortsConsiderthe followingguidelines and restrictions when configuringunified ports:
Hardware and Software Requirements
Unifiedports are supported on the 6200 series fabric interconnect with Cisco UCS Manager, version 2.0.
Unifiedports are not supported on 6100series fabric interconnects, even if they are running Cisco UCS
Manager,version 2.0.
Port Mode Placement
Becausethe Cisco UCS Manager GUI interface uses a slider to configure the port mode for unified ports on
afixed or expansion module, it automatically enforces the following restrictionswhich limits how port modes
canbe assignedto unified ports.When usingthe Cisco UCSManager CLI interface,these restrictions are
enforcedwhen you commit the transaction to the system configuration. If the port mode configuration violates
anyof thefollowing restrictions, the Cisco UCS Manager CLI displays an error:
• Ethernet ports must be grouped together in a block. For each module (fixed or expansion), the Ethernet
portblock must start with the first port and end with an even numbered port.
• Fibre Channel ports must be grouped together in a block. For each module (fixed or expansion), the first
portin the Fibre Channel port block must follow the last Ethernet port and extend to include the rest of
theports in the module. For configurationsthat include only Fibre Channel ports, the Fibre Channel
blockmust start with the first port on the fixed or expansionmodule.
• Alternating Ethernet and Fibre Channel ports is not supported on a single module.
Exampleof a validconfiguration— Might include unified ports 1–16 on the fixed module configured in
Ethernetport mode and ports 17–32 in Fibre Channel port mode. On the expansion module you could configure
ports1–4 in Ethernet port mode and then configure ports 5–16 in Fibre Channel mode. The rule about alternating
Ethernetand Fibre Channel port types is not violated because this port arrangement complies with the rules
oneach individualmodule.
Exampleof an invalid configuration— Might include a block ofFibre Channel ports starting with port 16.
Becauseeach block of ports has to start with an odd-numbered port, you would haveto start the block with
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
80 OL-25712-04
Unified Ports on the 6200 Series Fabric Interconnect