TheLDAP searchis restrictedto those usernamesthat match the
Thisvalue is required unless a default filter has been set on the LDAP
AnLDAP attribute that stores the values for the user roles and locales.
Thisproperty isalways aname-value pair. The system queries the
userrecord for the value that matches this attribute name.
Ifyou do not want to extend your LDAP schema, you can configure
anexisting, unusedLDAP attributewith the CiscoUCS roles and
locales.Alternatively, you can create an attribute named CiscoAVPair
inthe remote authentication service with the following attribute ID:
Thisvalue isrequired unlessa defaultattribute has been seton the
LDAPGeneral tab.
Thepassword for theLDAP databaseaccount specified in the Bind
DNfield. Youcan enter any standard ASCII characters except for
space,ยง (sectionsign), ? (questionmark), or = (equal sign).
TheLDAP databasepassword repeated forconfirmation purposes.ConfirmPassword field
Thelength of timein secondsthe systemshould spend trying to
contactthe LDAP databasebefore it timesout.
Enteran integer from 1 to 60 seconds, or enter 0 (zero) to use the
globaltimeout value specified on the LDAP General tab. The default
is30 seconds.
b) Click Next.
Step 6 Onthe LDAP Group Rule page of the wizard, do the following:
a) Complete the following fields:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 137
Configuring LDAP Providers