TheCIM-XML area expandsto displaythe availableconfiguration options.
Step 5 (Optional) In the Port field, changethe defaultport thatCisco UCS ManagerGUI will use for CIM-XML.
Thedefault port is 5988.
Step 6 ClickSave Changes.
Configuring HTTP
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Admin tab.
Step 2 Onthe Admin tab, expand All >Communication Management >CommunicationServices.
Step 3 Clickthe Communication Services tab.
Step 4 Inthe HTTP area, clickthe enabledradio button.
TheHTTP area expandsto displaythe availableconfiguration options.
Step 5 (Optional) In the Port field, changethe defaultport thatCisco UCS ManagerGUI uses for HTTP.
Thedefault port is 80.
Step 6 (Optional) In the Redirect HTTP to HTTPS field, click the enabled radio button.
Youmust also configure and enable HTTPS to enable redirection of HTTP logins to the HTTPS login. Once
enabled,you cannotdisable the redirectionuntil you havedisabled HTTPS.
Ifyou redirect HTTP to HTTPS, you cannot use HTTP to access Cisco UCS Manager GUI. Redirection
disablesHTTP asit automaticallyredirects to HTTPS.
Step 7 ClickSave Changes.
Configuring HTTPS

Certificates, Key Rings, and Trusted Points

HTTPSuses components of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)to establish secure communications between
twodevices, such as a client's browser and Cisco UCS Manager.
Encryption Keys and Key Rings
EachPKI device holds a pair of asymmetric Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) encryption keys, one kept private
andone made public, stored in an internal key ring. A message encrypted with either key can be decrypted
withthe other key. To send an encrypted message, the sender encrypts the message with the receiver's public
key,and the receiver decrypts the message using its own private key. A sender can also prove its ownership
ofa public key by encrypting (also called 'signing') a known message with its own private key. If a receiver
cansuccessfully decrypt the message using the public key in question, the sender's possession of the
correspondingprivate key is proven. Encryption keys can vary in length, with typical lengths from 512 bits
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 115
Configuring HTTP