e) Repeatsteps b through d to create additional iSCSI vNICs.
Step 8 ClickNext.
What to Do Next
CompletePage 4: Setting the vNIC/vHBAPlacement, onpage 530.
Page 4: Setting the vNIC/vHBA Placement
Thisprocedure directly follows Page3: Specifying the Networking Options, onpage 524. It describes how
toset the vNIC and vHBAplacement options on the vNIC/vHBA Placement page of the Create Service
ProfileTemplate wizard.
Step 1 Fromthe Select Placement drop-down list,choose one of the following:
Specifiesthat Cisco UCS Manager determines the vNIC/vHBAplacement for all
serversassociated with a service profile created from this template. The placement
isdetermined by the order set in the PCI Order table.
Ifyou are configuring this service profile/template for iSCSI boot, choose this
Ifyou areconfiguring this service profile for iSCSI boot, continue with Step 5.
Forall configurations,continue with Step 2.
LetSystem Perform
Enablesyou to do the following:
• Explicitly assign the vNICs and vHBAs associated with this service profile
templateto a virtualnetwork interface connection (vCon).
• Configure the types of vNICs and vHBAs that can be assigned to a vCon,
eithermanually or througha vNIC/vHBA placement policy.
Continuewith Step 3.
Assignsan existing vNIC/vHBA placement policy to a service profile created
fromthis template.If you choose this option, Cisco UCS Manager displays the
detailsof the policy.
Ifa vNIC/vHBA placement policy has not been configured in Cisco UCS Manager,
thisoption may not display in the drop-down list.
Ifyou donot want use any of the existing policies, but instead want to create a
policythat all service profiles and templates can access, click Create Placement
Policyand continue with Step4. Otherwise, continue with Step 5.
Profiles Placement
Step 2 (Optional) If youchose Let System Perform Placement, do the following:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
530 OL-25712-04
Working with Service Profile Templates