Thecriteria you entercan includeone of thefollowing wildcards:
• _ (underscore) or ? (question mark)—replaces a single character
• % (percent sign) or * (asterisk)—replaces any sequence of
Displaysonly that content in the column which is less than the value
LessThan option
Displaysonly that content in the column which is less than or equal to
thevalue specified.
LessThan Or Equal option
Displaysonly that content in the column which is greater than the value
GreaterThan option
Displaysonly that content in the column which is greater than or equal
tothe valuespecified.
GreaterThan Or Equal option
LAN Uplinks ManagerTheLAN UplinksManager provides asingle interfacewhere you canconfigure the connectionsbetween
CiscoUCS and the LAN. You can use the LAN Uplinks Manager to create and configure the following:
• Ethernet switching mode
• Uplink Ethernet ports
• Port channels
• LAN pin groups
• Named VLANs
• Server ports
• QoS system classes
Someof the configuration that you can do in the LAN Uplinks Manager can also be done in nodes on other
tabs,such as the Equipment tab or the LAN tab.
Internal Fabric ManagerTheInternal Fabric Manager provides a single interface where you can configure server ports for a fabric
interconnectin a Cisco UCS domain. The Internal Fabric Manager is accessible from theGeneral tab for that
Someof the configuration that you can do in the Internal Fabric Manager can also be done in nodes on the
Equipmenttab, on the LAN tab, or inthe LAN Uplinks Manager.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
52 OL-25712-04
Overview of Cisco UCS Manager GUI