Thename of the domain in which the fabric interconnect
DomainName field
Step 10 ClickSubmit.
Apage displays the results of your setup operation.
Performing an Initial System Setup on the Second Fabric InterconnectBefore You Begin
Youmust ensure the following:
• A console port on the second fabric interconnect is physically connected to a computer terminal or
• Youknow the password for the admin account on the first fabric interconnect that you configured.
Step 1 Connectto the consoleport.
Step 2 Poweron thefabric interconnect.
Youwill see the power on self-test messages as the fabric interconnect boots.
Step 3 Atthe installationmethod prompt, enter gui.
Step 4 Ifthe system cannot access a DHCP server, you are prompted to enter the following information:
•IPaddress for themanagement port on the fabric interconnect
•Subnetmask for the management port on the fabric interconnect
•IPaddress for thedefault gateway assigned to the fabric interconnect
Step 5 Copythe web link from the prompt into a web browser and go to the Cisco UCS Manager GUI launch page.
Step 6 Onthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI launch page, select Express Setup.
Step 7 Onthe Express Setup page, select Initial Setup and click Submit.
Thefabric interconnect should detectthe configuration information for the first fabric interconnect.
Step 8 Inthe Cluster andFabric Setup Area:
a) Selectthe Enable Clustering option.
b) Forthe Fabric Setup option, make sure Fabric B is selected.
Step 9 Inthe System SetupArea, enter the password for the Admin account into the Admin Password of Master
Step 10 ClickSubmit.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 71
Initial System Setup for a Cluster Configuration