What to Do Next
Completethe steps inPage 2: Specifying the Storage Options, on page 520.
Page 2: Specifying the Storage Options
Thisprocedure directly follows Page1: Identifyingthe ServiceProfile Template, on page 519. It describes
howto configure the storage options for a service profile template on the Storage page of the Create Service
ProfileTemplate wizard.
Step 1 Fromthe Local Storage drop-down list, choose one of the following:
Assignsthe default local disk storage policy to every service profile created
fromthis template.
Continuewith Step 4.
SelectLocal Storage Policy to
Enablesyou to createa local disk policy that can only be accessed by a
serviceprofile created from thistemplate.
Continuewith Step 2.
Createa Specific Storage
Allowsyou to choose an existing local disk policy from the list at the bottom
ofthe drop-down list. Cisco UCS Manager assigns this policy to every
serviceprofile created from thistemplate.
Ifyou do not want use any of the existing policies but instead want to create
anew policythat all service profiles and templates can access, continue
withStep 3. Otherwise,continue with Step 4.
StoragePolicies Policy_Name
Step 2 (Optional) If you chose Createa Specific Storage Policy and want to create a new policy that can only be
usedby serviceprofiles created from this service profile template,do the following:
a) From the Mode drop-down list, choose one of the following:
NoLocal Storage—For a diskless server or a SAN only configuration. If you select this option, you
cannotassociate any service profile which uses this policy with a server that has a local disk.
RAID0 Striped—Data is striped across all disks in the array, providing fast throughput. There is
nodata redundancy, and all data is lost if any disk fails.
RAID1 Mirrored—Data is written to two disks, providing complete data redundancy if one disk
fails.The maximum array size is equal to the available space on the smaller of the two drives.
AnyConfiguration—For aserver configurationthat carries forward the local disk configuration
withoutany changes.
NoRAID—For a server configuration that removes the RAID and leaves the disk MBR and payload
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
520 OL-25712-04
Working with Service Profile Templates