a) ClickDecommission.
b) ClickOK.
Theserver is removedfrom the Cisco UCS configuration.
Recommissioning a Rack-Mount Server
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, click the Rack-Mounts node.
Step 3 Inthe Work pane, click the Decommissioned tab.
Step 4 Onthe row foreach rack-mount server that you want to recommission, do the following:
a) Inthe Recommission column, checkthe check box.
b) ClickSave Changes
Step 5 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displays a confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
Step 6 (Optional) Monitor the progress of theserver recommission and discovery on the FSM tab for the server.
Renumbering a Rack-Mount Server
Before You Begin
Ifyou areswapping IDs between servers, you must first decommission both servers and then wait for the
serverdecommission FSM tocomplete before proceeding with the renumbering steps.
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, expand Equipment >Rack Mounts >Servers.
Step 3 Expandthe Servers node and verify that it does not include the following:
Therack-mount server you wantto renumber
Arack-mount server withthe number you want to use
Ifeither of theseservers are listed in the Servers node, decommission those servers. You must wait until the
decommissionFSM is complete and the servers are not listed in the node before continuing. This might take
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
606 OL-25712-04
Recommissioning a Rack-Mount Server