Step 7 Inthe Email Addresses area, complete the following fields with the email information for Smart Call Home
Theemail address thatshould appearin theFrom fieldon CallHome
alertmessages sent by the system.
Thereturn emailaddress that should appear in the From field on Call
Homealert messages sent by the system.
ReplyTo field
Step 8 Inthe SMTP Serverarea, complete the following fields with information about the SMTP server that Call
Homeshould use to send email messages:
TheIP address or hostname of the SMTP server.
Ifyou use a hostname ratherthan an IP address, you must
configurea DNS server in Cisco UCS Manager.
Theport number the system should use to talkto the SMTP server.
Enteran integer between 1 and 65535. The default is 25.
Step 9 ClickSave Changes.
Configuring the Default Cisco TAC-1 ProfileThefollowing are the default settings for the CiscoTAC-1 profile:
• Level is normal
• Only the CiscoTACalert group is selected
• Format is xml
• Maximum message size is 5000000
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
692 OL-25712-04
Example: Configuring Call Home for Smart Call Home