Allowsprocessors to increase I/O performance by placing data
fromI/O devices directly into the processor cache. This setting
helpsto reduce cache misses. This can be one of the following:
•disabled—Datafrom I/O devices is notplaced directly
intothe processor cache.
•enabled—Datafrom I/O devicesis placed directly into
theprocessor cache.
•PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
DirectCache Access
Whetherthe system can enter a power savings mode during idle
periods.This can be one of the following:
•disabled—Thesystem remains in high performance state
evenwhen idle.
•enabled—Thesystem can reduce power to system
componentssuch as the DIMMs and CPUs.
•PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
Werecommend that you contact your operating system vendor
tomake surethe operating system supports thisfeature.
ProcessorC State
Allowsthe processor to transition to its minimum frequency
uponentering C1.This setting does nottake effect until after
youhave rebooted the server. This can be one of the following:
•disabled—TheCPU continues to runat its maximum
frequencyin C1 state.
•enabled—TheCPU transitions to its minimum frequency.
Thisoption savesthe maximum amount ofpower inC1
•PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 387
Configuring BIOS Settings