Whena service profile is associated with a server,
orwhen changesare made toa service profile that
isalready associated with a server, the server needs
tobe rebooted to complete the process. The Reboot
Policyfield determines when the reboot occurs for
serversassociated with anyservice profiles that
includethis maintenance policy. This can be one of
•Immediate—Theserver is rebooted
automaticallyas soon as the service profile
associationis complete or serviceprofile
changesare saved by theuser.
•UserAck—The user must reboot the server
manuallyafter the service profileassociation
iscomplete or changesare made.
•TimerAutomatic—Cisco UCS defers all
serviceprofile associations and changes until
themaintenance window definedby the
scheduleshown in theSchedule field.
RebootPolicy field
Ifthe Reboot Policyis set to Timer Automatic,
theschedule specifies when maintenance operations
canbe applied to the server. Cisco UCS reboots the
serverand completes the service profile changes at
thescheduled time.
Scheduledrop-down list
b) Click OK and continue with Step 3.
Step 3 Ifyou createda new boot policyaccessible to all service profiles and template, select that policy from the
MaintenancePolicy drop-down list.
Step 4 ClickNext.
What to Do Next
CompletePage 7: Specifying the ServerAssignment, on page 509.
Page 7: Specifying the Server Assignment OptionsThisprocedure directly follows Page6: Addingthe MaintenancePolicy, on page 535. Itdescribes how to
specifythe way a server is assigned to a service profile created from this template on the Server Assignment
pageof the CreateService Profile Template wizard.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 537
Working with Service Profile Templates