• Endpoints physically located on servers, such as the BIOS, storage controller (RAID controller), and
CiscoIntegrated Management Controller (CIMC) thatcan beupgraded throughfirmware packages
includedin a serviceprofile
Seethe required order of steps for your upgradepath to determine the appropriate order in which to upgrade
theendpoints in your Cisco UCS domain.
Beginningwith Cisco UCS, Release 1.4(1), Cisco is releasingfirmware upgrades in multiple bundles,
ratherthan one large firmware package. For more information see Firmware Image Management, onpage
Ciscomaintains a set of best practices for managing firmware images and updates in this document and in
thefollowing technicalnote: Unified Computing SystemFirmware Management Best Practices.
Thisdocument uses thefollowing definitions for managingfirmware:
Changesthe firmware running on an endpoint to another image, such as a release or patch. Upgrade
includesboth update andactivation.
Copiesthe firmware image to the backup partition on an endpoint.
Setsthe firmware in the backup partition as the active firmware version on the endpoint. Activation
canrequire or cause the reboot of an endpoint.
ForManagement Extensions and Capability Catalog upgrades, update and activate occur simultaneously. You
onlyneed to update or activate those upgrades. You do not need to perform both steps.
Firmware Image Management
Ciscodelivers all firmware updates to Cisco UCS components in bundlesof images.Cisco UCS firmware
updatesare available to be downloaded in the following bundles:
CiscoUCS Infrastructure Software Bundle
Thisbundle includes the following firmware images that are required to update the following components:
• Cisco UCS Manager software
• Kernel and system firmware for the fabric interconnects
• I/O module firmware
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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Firmware Image Management