Managing FirmwareThischapter includes the followingsections:
•Overviewof Firmware, page 183
•FirmwareImage Management, page 184
•FirmwareVersions, page 186
•FirmwareUpgrades, page 187
•FirmwareDowngrades, page 199
•Completingthe Prerequisites for Upgrading the Firmware, page 199
•Downloadingand Managing FirmwarePackages, page 204
•DirectlyUpgrading Firmware at Endpoints, page 210
•UpgradingFirmware through ServiceProfiles, page 222
•VerifyingFirmware Versions on Components, page 230
•Managingthe CapabilityCatalog, page 230
•UpdatingManagement Extensions, page 235
Overview of Firmware
CiscoUCS uses firmwareobtained from and certifiedby Cisco to support the endpoints in a Cisco UCS
domain.Each endpoint is a componentin the CiscoUCS domain that requires firmware to function.The
upgradeorder for the endpointsin a Cisco UCS domaindepends upon the upgrade path, but includes the
• Cisco UCS Manager
• I/O modules
• Fabric interconnects
• Endpoints physically located on adapters, including NIC and HBA firmware, and OptionROM (where
applicable)that can be upgraded through firmware packages included in a service profile
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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