Thedata transfer rate for the port, which should match the destination
towhich the port is linked.This can be one of thefollowing:
Theadmin speedcan be changedonly for certainports, and
notall speeds are availableon all systems. For more
information,see the HardwareInstallation Guide for your
AdminSpeed field
Step 8 Inthe VLANs area, do thefollowing:
a) In the Port Mode field, click one of the following radio buttons to select the mode you want to use for
theport channel:
Trunk—CiscoUCS Manager GUI displays the VLANs Table that lets you choose the VLANs you
wantto use.
Access—CiscoUCS Manager GUI displays the Select VLAN drop-downlist that allows you to
choosea VLANto associatewith this port channel.
Witheither mode, you can click the Create VLAN link to create a new VLAN.
b) If you clicked the Trunk radio button, complete the following fields in the VLANs table:
Checkthe check box in this column for each VLAN you want to use.Selectcolumn
Thename of theVLAN.Namecolumn
Todesignate one of the VLANs as the native VLAN, click the radio
buttonin this column.
NativeVLAN column
c) If you clicked the access radio button, choose a VLAN from the Select VLAN drop-down list.
Step 9 (Optional) If you want to add an endpoint, check the Ethernet Target Endpoint check box and complete
thefollowing fields:
Thename of theendpoint.
Thisname can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You
cannotuse spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _
(underscore),: (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name
afterthe object has beensaved.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 91
Appliance Ports