vHBAtemplates (continued)
deleting 357
unbindingvHBAs 358
vHBAs 357, 358, 430, 435, 556, 559, 560, 561
assignmentto vCon 430, 435
bindingto vHBA template 357
changingWWPN 559
clearingpersistent binding 560
creatingfor service profiles 556
deletingfrom service profiles 561
resettingWWPN 560
unbindingfrom vHBA template 358
VICadapters 41
virtualization 41
viewing 572, 696
blade-levelpower cap 572
systemevent log 696
VIFstatus 652, 654
virtualIP address, changing 75
VirtualKVM console 612
virtuallanes 37, 297
virtualmachines 40
virtualmedia boot 466
about 466
configuring 466
virtualization 27, 40, 41
about 40
convergednetwork adapters 41
NICadapters 41
VICadapter 41
VMlifecycle policy 27
about 41
visualenhancements 59
VLANport limitations 279
VLANs 92, 271, 274, 277, 278, 280, 284, 285, 288, 291, 321, 322, 323, 324,
325, 327, 328, 329
applianceports 92
assigningports and port channels 327
creatingfor disjoint L2networks 325
disjointL2 networks 321, 322, 323, 324
named 271, 274, 277, 280, 284
about 277
creating 271, 280
deleting 274, 284
portcount 291
private 278, 285, 288
about 278
creatingprimary 285
creatingsecondary 288
removingports and port channels 328
viewingports and port channels 329
VMlifecycle policy 27
about 27
about 41
vNIC 27, 307
policy 27, 307
vNICLAN Connectivitypolicies 27, 307, 311, 312
about 27, 307
bindingvNICs 311
creating 307
deleting 311
unbindingvNICs 312
vNICtemplates 27, 307, 311, 312
about 27, 307
bindingvNICs 311
creating 307
deleting 311
unbindingvNICs 312
vNIC/vHBAplacement policies 28, 429, 430, 433, 434
about 28, 429
creating 433
deleting 434
vCons 28, 429, 430
vNIC/vHBAassignment 430
vNICs 19, 311, 312, 430, 434, 452, 454, 553, 555, 556
assignmentto vCon 430, 434
bindingto vNIC template 311
creatingfor service profiles 553
deletingfrom service profiles 556
dynamicvNIC connection policy 19
iSCSI 452, 454
creatingfor service profile 452
deletingfrom service profiles 454
resettingMAC address 555
unbindingfrom vNIC template 312
VSANs 96, 97, 333, 334, 335, 337, 339
creating 335, 337
named 335
deleting 339
disablingdefault zoning 97
enablingdefault zoning 96
named 333, 334
storage 337
websession limits 55, 162, 174
Workpane 50
WWN 346, 349, 350, 353
creating 346, 350
WWNNpools 346
WWPNpools 350
deleting 349, 353
WWNNpools 349
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 IN-23