Thisview provides you with a read-onlyrepresentation of the firmware bundles that have been
downloadedonto the fabric interconnect. This view is sorted by image, not by the contents of the image.
Forpackages, you can use this view to see which component images are in each downloaded firmware
Theimages view lists thecomponent images available on the system. Youcannot use this view to see
completefirmware bundles or to group the images by bundle. The information available about each
componentimage includes the name of thecomponent, the image size, theimage version, and the
vendorand modelof the component.
Youcan use this view to identify the firmware updates available for each component. Youcan also use
thisview to deleteobsolete and unneeded images. Cisco UCS Manager deletes a package after all
imagesin the package have been deleted.
CiscoUCS Manager stores the images in bootflash on the fabric interconnect. In a cluster system, space
usagein bootflash on both fabric interconnects is the same, because all images are synchronized between
them.If Cisco UCS Manager reports that the bootflash is out of space, delete obsolete images to free up
Firmware Versions
Thefirmware version terminology used depends upon the type of endpoint, as follows:
Firmware Versions in CIMC, I/O Modules, and Adapters
EachCIMC, I/O module, and adapter has two slots for firmware in flash. Each slot holds a version of firmware.
Oneslot is active and the other is the backup slot. A component boots from whichever slot is designated as
Thefollowing firmware versionterminology is used inCisco UCS Manager:
Therunning version is the firmware that is active and in use by the endpoint.
Thestartup version is the firmware that will be used when the endpoint next boots up. Cisco UCS
Manageruses the activate operation to change the startup version.
Thebackup version is the firmware in the other slot and is not in use by the endpoint. This version can
befirmware that you have updated to the endpoint but have not yet activated, or it can be an older
firmwareversion that was replaced by a recently activated version. Cisco UCS Manager uses the update
operationto replace the image in the backup slot.
Ifthe endpoint cannot boot from the startup version, it boots from thebackup version.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
186 OL-25712-04
Firmware Versions