Thefollowing syntaxexample shows how to specify multiples user roles and locales if you choose to
createthe cisco-avpair attribute: shell:roles="admin,aaa" shell:locales="L1,abc". Use a comma
","as the delimiter to separate multiple values.
• For a cluster configuration, add the management port IP addresses for both fabric interconnects.This
configurationensures that remote users can continue to log in if the first fabric interconnect fails and
thesystem fails over to the second fabric interconnect. All login requests are sourced from these IP
addresses,not the virtualIP address used by Cisco UCS Manager.
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Admin tab.
Step 2 Onthe Admin tab, expand All >User Management>RADIUS.
Step 3 Inthe Create RADIUS Provider dialog box:
a) Complete the fields with the information about the RADIUS service you want to use.
Thehostname or IP address on which the RADIUS provider resides.
Ifyou use a hostname ratherthan an IP address, you must
configurea DNS server in Cisco UCS Manager.
Theorder in which Cisco UCS uses this provider to authenticate
Enteran integer between 1 and 16, or enter lowest-available or 0
(zero)if you want Cisco UCS to assign the next available order based
onthe other providers defined in this Cisco UCS domain.
TheSSL encryptionkey for the database.Keyfield
TheSSL encryptionkey repeatedfor confirmationpurposes.ConfirmKey field
Theport through which Cisco UCS communicates with the RADIUS
AuthorizationPort field
Thelength of time in seconds the system should spend trying to
contactthe RADIUS databasebefore it timesout.
Enteran integer from 1 to 60 seconds, or enter 0 (zero) to use the
globaltimeout value specified on the RADIUS General tab. The
defaultis 5 seconds.
Thenumber of times to retry the connection before the request is
consideredto have failed.
Ifdesired, enter an integer between 0 and 5. If you do not specify a
value,Cisco UCS uses the value specified on the RADIUS General
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 143
Configuring RADIUS Providers