b) ClickOK.
Step 4 ClickSave Changes.
What to Do Next
Forimplementations involving a single RADIUS database, select RADIUS as the primary authentication
Forimplementations involving multiple RADIUS databases, configure a RADIUS provider group.
Deleting a RADIUS Provider
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Admin tab.
Step 2 Inthe Admin tab, expandUser Management >RADIUS.
Step 3 Right-clickthe RADIUS provideryou want to delete and choose Delete.
Step 4 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displays a confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
Configuring TACACS+ ProvidersConfiguring Properties for TACACS+ Providers
Theproperties that you configure in this task are the default settings for allprovider connections of this type
definedin Cisco UCS Manager. If an individual provider includes a setting for any of these properties, Cisco
UCSuses thatsetting and ignores the default setting.
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Admin tab.
Step 2 Inthe Admin tab, expandUser Management >TACACS+.
Step 3 Inthe Properties area, complete the Timeout field:
Thelength of time in seconds the system should spend trying to contact the TACACS+ database before it
Enteran integer from 1 to 60 seconds, or enter 0 (zero) to use the global timeout value specified on the
TACACS+General tab. The default is 5 seconds.
Step 4 ClickSave Changes.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
144 OL-25712-04
Configuring TACACS+ Providers