PurposeCommand or Action
Formore information about creating a boot policy
thatcan be used in any service profile, see
Creatingan iSCSI BootPolicy, on page451.
Createa boot policy that can be used in any
serviceprofile. Alternatively, you can create
alocal boot policy only for the specific service
policy.However, we recommend that you
Step 4
createa boot policy that can be shared with
multipleservice profiles.
Youcan assign the boot policy to the service
profilewhile configuring the iSCSI boot and
vNICparameters in the service profile in step 7.
Ifyou createda boot policy that can be used
inany service profile, you need to assign it to
theservice profile. Otherwise, proceed tothe
Step 5
Formore information,see Creating an iSCSI
vNICfor a Service Profile, on page 452
Createan iSCSI vNIC in a service profile.
Step 6
Formore information,see Creating a Service
Profilewith the Expert Wizard, on page 489 or
Configurethe iSCSI boot parameters,
includingthe initiator and target interfaces,
Step 7
Creatinga Service Profile Template, onpage 518,
andiSCSI vNIC parameters in a service profile
inexpert modeor serviceprofile template.
Formore information,see Verifying iSCSI BootVerifythe iSCSI boot operation.
Step 8
Formore information,see one of the following
Installthe OS on the server.
Step 9
CiscoUCS B-Series Blade Servers VMware
CiscoUCS B-Series Blade ServersLinux
CiscoUCS B-Series Blade Servers Windows
Bootthe server.
Step 10
Creating an iSCSI Adapter Policy
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Servers tab.
Step 2 Onthe Servers tab, expand Servers >Policies.
Step 3 Expandthe node for the organizationwhere you want to create the policy.
Ifthe system does not includemultitenancy, expand the root node.
Step 4 Right-clickAdapter Policies and choose Create iSCSI Adapter Policy.
Step 5 Inthe Create iSCSI Adapter Policy dialog box, complete the following fields:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 447
iSCSI Boot