Pending Activities
Ifyou configure deferred deployment in a Cisco UCS domain, Cisco UCS Manager enables you to view all
pendingactivities. You can see activities that are waiting for user acknowledgement and those that have been
Ifa Cisco UCS domain has pending activities, Cisco UCS Manager GUI notifies users with admin privileges
whenthey log in.
CiscoUCS Manager displays information about all pending activities, including the following:
• Name of the service profile to be deployed and associated with a server
• Server affectedby thedeployment
• Disruption caused by the deployment
• Change performed by the deployment
Youcannot specify the maintenance window in which a specific pending activity is applied to the server.
Themaintenance window depends uponhow many activitiesare pending and which maintenance policy
isassigned to the service profile. However, any user with admin privileges can manually initiate a pending
activityand reboot the server immediately, whether it is waiting for user acknowledgment or for a
Guidelines and Limitations for Deferred Deployment
Cannot Undo All Changes to Service Profiles or Service Profile Templates
Ifyou cancela pending change, Cisco UCS Manager attempts to roll back thechange without rebooting the
server.However, for complex changes, Cisco UCS Manager may have to reboot the server a second time to
rollback the change. For example, if you delete a vNIC, Cisco UCS Manager reboots the server according
tothe maintenancepolicy included in the service profile. You cannot cancel this reboot and change, even if
yourestore the original vNIC in the service profile. Instead, Cisco UCS Manager schedules a second deployment
andreboot of theserver.
Association of Service Profile Can Exceed Boundaries of Maintenance Window
AfterCisco UCS Manager begins the association of the service profile, the scheduler and maintenance policy
donot haveany control over the procedure. If the service profile association does not complete within the
allottedmaintenance window, the process continues until it is completed. For example, this can occur if the
associationdoes not complete in time because of retried stages or other issues.
Cannot Specify Order of Pending Activities
Scheduleddeployments run in parallel and independently. You cannot specify the order in which the
deploymentsoccur. You also cannot make the deployment of one service profile change dependent upon the
completionof another.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 471
Deferred Deployment of Service Profiles