Removing a Chassis
Removingis performed when you physically remove a chassis from the system. Once the physical removal
ofthe chassisis completed, the configuration for thatchassis can be removed inCisco UCS Manager.
Youcannot remove a chassis from Cisco UCS Manager if it is physically present and connected.Note
Ifyou need to add a removed chassis back to the configuration, it must be reconnected and then rediscovered.
Duringrediscovery Cisco UCS Manager will assign the chassis a new ID that may be different from ID that
itheld before.
Acknowledging a Chassis
Performthe following procedure if you increase or decrease the number of links that connect the chassis to
thefabric interconnect. Acknowledging the chassis ensures that Cisco UCS Manager is aware of the change
inthe number oflinks andthat traffics flows along all available links.
Afteryou enable or disable a port on a fabric interconnect, wait for at least 1 minute before you reacknowledge
thechassis. If you reacknowledge the chassis too soon, the pinning of server traffic from the chassis may not
beupdated with the changes to the port that you enabled or disabled.
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, expand Equipment >Chassis.
Step 3 Choosethe chassis that you wantto acknowledge.
Step 4 Inthe Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5 Inthe Actions area, clickAcknowledge Chassis.
Step 6 IfCisco UCS Managerdisplays a confirmation dialog box, clickYes.
CiscoUCS Manager disconnects the chassis and then rebuilds the connections between the chassis and the
fabricinterconnect or fabric interconnects in the system.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
578 OL-25712-04
Acknowledging a Chassis