Theminute of the hour at which the schedule occurrence starts. This
canbe an integer between 0 and 60.
Step 5 Clickthe down arrows to expand the Options area.
Step 6 Inthe Options area, completethe following fields:
Themaximum length of time that each occurrence of this schedule can
run.This can be one of the following:
None—Theoccurrence runs untilall tasks arecompleted.
other—CiscoUCS Manager GUI displays the dd:hh:mm:ss field
allowingyou tospecify the maximumamount of timethat the
occurrencecan run. CiscoUCS completesas many scheduled
tasksas possiblewithin the specifiedtime.
MaxDuration field
Themaximum number of scheduled tasks that can be run during each
occurrence.This can be one of the following:
Unlimited—CiscoUCS runs all scheduled tasks unless those tasks
exceedthe maximum time specified in the Max Duration field.
IfMax Durationis setto noneand you select this option, the
maintenancewindow continues untilall pending activitiesare
other—CiscoUCS Manager GUI displays a textfield allowing
youto specify the maximum number of tasks that can be run during
thisoccurrence. Enter an integer between 1 and 65535.
MaxNumber of Tasksfield
Themaximum number of tasks that can run concurrently during each
occurrence.This can be one of the following:
Unlimited—CiscoUCS runs as many concurrent tasks as the
systemcan handle.
other—CiscoUCS Manager GUI displays a textfield allowing
youto specify the maximum number of concurrenttasks that can
berun during thisoccurrence. Enter an integer between 1 and
MaxNumber of Concurrent
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
480 OL-25712-04
Configuring Schedules