ServerProfile Administrator
Read-and-writeaccess to logical server related operations. Read access to therest ofthe system.
ServerSecurity Administrator
Read-and-writeaccess to server security related operations. Read access to therest ofthe system.
Read-and-writeaccess to storage operations. Read access to therest ofthe system.
Reserved Words: User Roles
Thefollowing words cannotbe usedwhen creatingcustom roles inCisco UCS Manager.
• network-admin
• network-operator
• vdc-admin
• vdc-operator
• server-admin
Privilegesgive users assigned to user roles access to specific system resources and permission to perform
specifictasks. The followingtable lists each privilege and theuser rolegiven thatprivilege by default.
Table 8: User Privileges
Default Role AssignmentDescriptionPrivilege
AAAAdministratorSystemsecurity and AAAaaa
NetworkAdministratorExternal LAN configurationext-lan-config
NetworkAdministratorExternal LAN policyext-lan-policy
NetworkAdministratorExternal LAN QoSext-lan-qos
NetworkAdministratorExternal LAN securityext-lan-security
StorageAdministratorExternalSAN configurationext-san-config
StorageAdministratorExternalSAN policyext-san-policy
StorageAdministratorExternalSAN QoSext-san-qos
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
164 OL-25712-04
User Roles