Disabling Default Zoning

Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe SAN tab.
Step 2 Inthe SAN tab, click the SAN node.
Step 3 Inthe Work pane, click the VSANs tab.
Step 4 Clickone of the following subtabs, depending upon the type of VSAN for which you want to disable default
Displaysall VSANs in theCisco UCS domain.
Displaysthe VSANs that are accessible to both fabric interconnects.
Displaysthe VSANs that are accessible to only fabric interconnect A.
Displaysthe VSANs that are accessible to only fabric interconnect B.
Step 5 Inthe table, double-click the VSAN.
CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysthe General tab for theVSAN.
Step 6 Inthe Actions area, clickDisable Default Zoning.
Step 7 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysa confirmation dialog box, clickYes.
Uplink Ethernet Port Channels
Anuplink Ethernet port channel allows you to group several physical uplink Ethernet ports (link aggregation)
tocreate one logical Ethernet link to provide fault-tolerance and high-speed connectivity. In Cisco UCS
Manager,you create a port channel first and then add uplink Ethernet ports to the port channel. You can add
upto eight uplink Ethernet ports to a port channel.
CiscoUCS uses LinkAggregation Control Protocol (LACP), notPort AggregationProtocol (PAgP), to
groupthe uplink Ethernet ports into a port channel. If the ports on the upstream switch are not configured
forLACP, the fabric interconnects treat all ports in an uplink Ethernet port channel as individual ports
andtherefore forward packets.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 97
Uplink Ethernet Port Channels