Configuring Authentication
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
AuthenticationServices, page 131
Guidelinesand Recommendationsfor Remote AuthenticationProviders, page 131
UserAttributes inRemote Authentication Providers, page 132
LDAPGroup Rule, page 134
ConfiguringLDAP Providers, page 134
ConfiguringRADIUS Providers, page 142
ConfiguringTACACS+ Providers, page 144
ConfiguringMultiple Authentication Systems, page 146
Selectinga PrimaryAuthentication Service, page 151

Authentication Services

CiscoUCS supportstwo methodsto authenticateuser logins:
• Through user accounts local to Cisco UCS Manager
• Remotely through one of the following protocols:

Guidelines and Recommendations for Remote Authentication Providers

Ifa system is configured for one of the supported remote authentication services, you must create a provider
forthat service to ensure that Cisco UCS Manager can communicate with it. In addition, you need to be aware
ofthe followingguidelines that impactuser authorization:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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