• Toremove ports, choose one or more ports in the Ports in the port channel table, and then click the
<<button to remove the ports from the port channeland add them to the Ports table.
Step 7 ClickOK.

Deleting an Appliance Port Channel

Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe LAN tab.
Step 2 Onthe LAN tab, expand LAN >Appliances.
Step 3 Expandthe node for thefabric interconnect that includes the port channel you want to enable.
Step 4 Expandthe Port Channels node.
Step 5 Right-clickthe port channel you wantto enable and chooseDisable Port Channel.
Step 6 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysa confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
Fibre Channel Port Channels
AFibre Channel port channel allows you to group severalphysical Fibre Channel ports (link aggregation) to
createone logical Fibre Channel link to provide fault-tolerance and high-speed connectivity. In Cisco UCS
Manager,you create a port channel first and then add Fibre Channel ports to the port channel.
Youcan create up to four Fibre Channel port channels in each Cisco UCS domain. Each Fibre Channel port
channelcan include a maximumof 16uplink Fibre Channelports.

Creating a Fibre Channel Port Channel

Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe SAN tab.
Step 2 Onthe SAN tab, expand SAN >SAN Cloud.
Step 3 Expandthe node for thefabric where you want to create the port channel.
Step 4 Right-clickthe FC Port Channelsnode and choose Create Port Channel.
Step 5 Inthe Set PortChannel Name page of the Create Port Channel wizard, do the following:
a) Complete the following fields:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
104 OL-25712-04
Fibre Channel Port Channels