Configuring Service Profiles
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
ServiceProfiles that Override Server Identity, page 487
ServiceProfiles that Inherit Server Identity, page 488
ServiceProfile Templates, page 488
Guidelinesand Recommendationsfor Service Profiles, page 489
CreatingService Profiles, page 489
Workingwith Service Profile Templates, page 518
ManagingService Profiles, page 544

Service Profiles that Override Server Identity

Thistype of service profile provides the maximum amount of flexibility and control. This profile allows you
tooverride the identity values that are on the server at the time of association and use the resource pools and
policiesset up in Cisco UCS Manager to automate some administration tasks.
Youcan disassociate this service profile from one server and then associate it with another server. This
re-associationcan be done either manually or through an automated server pool policy. The burned-in settings,
suchas UUID and MAC address, on the new server are overwritten with the configurationin the service
profile.As a result, the change in server is transparent to your network. You do not need to reconfigure any
componentor application on your network to begin using the new server.
Thisprofile allows you to take advantage of and manage system resources through resource pools and policies,
suchas the following:
• Virtualizedidentity information, including pools of MAC addresses, WWN addresses, and UUIDs
• Ethernet and Fibre Channel adapter profile policies
• Firmware package policies
• Operating system boot order policies
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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