Configuring Role-Based Access Control
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
Role-BasedAccess Control, page 159
UserAccounts for CiscoUCS Manager, page 159
UserRoles, page 162
UserLocales, page 166
ConfiguringUser Roles, page 167
ConfiguringLocales, page 169
ConfiguringLocally AuthenticatedUser Accounts, page 171
PasswordProfile forLocally AuthenticatedUsers, page 177
MonitoringUser Sessions, page 180

Role-Based Access Control

Role-BasedAccess Control (RBAC) is a method of restricting or authorizing system access for users based
onuser roles and locales.A role definesthe privileges of a user in the systemand the localedefines the
organizations(domains) that a user is allowed access. Because users arenot directlyassigned privileges,
managementof individual user privileges is simply a matter of assigning the appropriate roles and locales.
Auser is granted write access to desired system resources only if the assigned role grants the access privileges
andthe assigned locale allows access. For example, a user with the Server Administrator role in the Engineering
organizationcould update server configurations in the Engineering organization but could not update server
configurationsin the Finance organization unless the locales assigned to the user include the Finance

User Accounts for Cisco UCS Manager

Useraccounts are used to access the system. Up to 48 user accounts can be configured in each Cisco UCS
domain.Each user account must have a unique username and password.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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