Managing Licenses
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
Licenses, page 247
Obtainingthe Host ID for a Fabric Interconnect, page 248
Obtaininga License, page 249
DownloadingLicenses to the Fabric Interconnect from the Local File System, page 250
DownloadingLicenses to theFabric Interconnectfrom a RemoteLocation, page 251
Installinga License, page 252
Viewingthe Licenses Installed on a Fabric Interconnect, page 253
Determiningthe Grace PeriodAvailable for a Port or Feature, page 255
Determiningthe Expiry Dateof aLicense, page 256
Uninstallinga License, page 256


EachCisco UCS fabric interconnect comes with several port licenses that are factory installed and shipped
withthe hardware.Fabric interconnects can be purchasedfully licensedor partiallylicensed. Additional
licensescan also bepurchased afterdelivery.
Ata minimum,each fabric interconnect ships with the following counted licenses pre-installed:
• Cisco UCS 6120XP fabric interconnect—pre-installed licenses for the first eight Ethernet ports enabled
inCisco UCS Manager and any Fibre Channel ports on expansion modules
CiscoUCS 6140XP fabric interconnect—pre-installed licenses for the firstsixteen Ethernet ports enabled
inCisco UCS Manager and any Fibre Channel ports on expansion modules
• Cisco UCS 6248 fabric interconnect—pre-installed licenses for the first twelve unified ports enabled in
CiscoUCS Manager. Expansion modules come with eight licenses that can be used on the expansion
moduleor the basemodule.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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